November 6, 2016


Photo Credits: Pexels

Reading A:

Sir Guyon
I could write about how she felt when she looked into the mirror and saw this knight. Then it could go into detail of her readying for her journey. Interesting that fighting was not in malice but to test each other’s skills in combat. Almost like practice. It would be weird going after every knight you saw because you hated them all. 

How Britomart Fought with Six Knights
I could focus on the moments leading up to the attack in the woods. It would be very detailed about the forest they were walking into and the moment that something rushed by them in front of them. She reminds me of the knight Brianna in the TV show Game of Thrones. I could write about the knight being attacked from her perspective. I could write from the perspective of the woman riding the horse away from the guy who is trying to kill her.

The Magic Mirror
I could write about their little fight. I could write like a diary of how she reacted to the mirror. It could be a flashback of when she saw him in the mirror.

The Cave of the Magician Merlin
I could write in the perspective of the girl when she is having these nightmares and not able to enjoy anything that she used to love to do. She could be talking to her nurse. I like when she said it was foolish to love a shadow. I could write in the perspective of the nurse.

Britomart’s Quest
I could write of how sad her dad was when she left.

The Castle of the Churl Malbecco
I could write about when she took her armor off and showed all of the other knights that she was a woman and not a man. It is interesting that she is so beautiful but still looks enough like a man to pass. Also I wonder if she has a low voice or something.

How Britomart Walked through Fire
I could write in the perspective of the sad knight.

Bibliography: Stories from the Faerie Queene by Mary Macleod

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