October 11, 2016


Photo Credits: I took this photo at Fort Sheridan Beach in IL

This is actually something that I have been thinking a lot about lately. It is easy to move through life not thinking about ways that you can improve or better yourself. Sure, many people think of ways to improve but usually it is for their job or for someone else. I have been thinking a lot about how I can be better for myself and to myself. 

School can be full of stress. Since elementary school, we were given grades based on our performance. I wish this wasn’t how school worked because of all of the things they talk about in the growth mindset. I’m surprised that there are kids who make it through school with a growth mindset because of the way school is structured.

For me, when I got a low grade on a test or assignment, I didn’t think about it as a chance to learn more. Now that the seed was planted in my mind, I feel I am doing a better job seeing a low grade as an opportunity to learn and improve my skills. It is not easy after being stuck in this one way of thinking for so long but it is something I’m working on.

I am working on prioritizing things this semester and being invested in a schedule that works for me. I have a lot on my plate for this semester and I am worried I might have spread myself a little too thin. But I just have to work on prioritizing things and working ahead in my classes so I stay on top of everything so I don’t get overwhelmed.

Something I really need to find the courage to do is apply for internships for next semester. I think I’m afraid of being rejected but I know that I’ll never know until I try. Again, I just need to prioritize it so I actually get it done!


  1. I completely agree with you Annie. I think that many of us go through life trying to improve to impress others or make them proud of us. We don't usually wish to improve for ourselves, which is very sad. The way our schools are structured and our society is set up makes it very difficult to take low grades or test scores and see that as an area of potential growth. I think if we applied a more growth mindset approach to schools we would see an improvement in overall grades and scores and also, most importantly, self esteem in the kids. Great post!

  2. Dear Annie, I am agreed with you on the education system is too structured, which limits student’s creativity and their confident. I still suffer from this problem. My mind got trained by the system to focus on getting good grade instead of learning new knowledge. I am still working on improving my mindset. In regard about getting courage to apply for internship, I encourage you to try applying it. The more exposure you have on interview and accepting reply is the more experience you gain through the success and failure. Hope you get an internship in next career fair!
    This is an interesting video about education system. You can take a look. I feel that I related to this video.

  3. I also agree with you. I think being selfless is something that is embedded into some of our brains. We get so wrapped up in helping others,we forget to help ourselves. I feel the same way with the school system. Looking back, I cannot believe teachers are made to follow certain standards and teach only what will be on the end of instruction test. We learn and live our entire lives around tests and only study or "learn" enough to only pass the test. If we did not have tests then I think a lot of students would actually learn and learn a lot as a person.
